Dialog Box


BC Cancer Personalised Oncogenomics Program

Lead Institution

BC Cancer Genome Sciences Centre, Canada



Program Description

The BC Cancer (BC Cancer)’s Personalized OncoGenomics (POG) program is a research initiative that aims to:

  1. generate whole genome and transcriptome datasets from patients with incurable cancers,
  2. link these to clinical, health services, and outcomes data and 
  3. embed whole genome analysis into real-time treatment planning for such patients. 

Our rationale is that use of whole genome analysis in clinical decision-making allows for sensitive, rational, data driven and integrated treatment strategies to comprehensively identify cancer cell vulnerabilities and use information about these vulnerabilities to block the growth of cancers. Alignment of patients to clinical trials using whole genome and transcriptome analysis is also enhanced compared to less comprehensive profiling, potentially leading to more effective therapeutic options.

Program Goals and Expected Outcomes

Timely generation and analysis of genomic data to guide treatment planning for individual patients have emerged as a goal of our Centre. Building on our early experience, POG seeks to deploy whole genome and transcriptome analysis (WGTA) systematically to move towards routine generation of such data in clinically relevant settings. A key objective is to study genomic alterations that are driving the cancer – making it aggressive or resistant to treatment—and their consequences, including understanding previous treatment responses and potential treatment options targeting observed alterations or treatments that are unlikely to be effective.

What gaps in existing knowledge will be addressed by the study?

Cancer biology research and translation into the clinic requires comprehensive data sets that are complete, accurate, permanent, and accessible. This work also benefits by the amalgamation of data, information, and knowledge to contribute to having sufficient depth and quality to enable hypotheses to be tested and meaningful findings to be shared. The BC POGP resources will add to the global resources of ICGC ARGO and benefit from the larger global set of data.

Program Team

Marco Marra, MD PhD

Lead Investigator



Institution, location

Jenessa Laskin

Clinical co-lead

BC Cancer

Steven JM Jones


BC Cancer Genome Sciences Centre

Jessica Nelson


BC Cancer Genome Sciences Centre

Howard Lim


BC Cancer

Daniel Renouf


BC Cancer

Dean Regier

Health Economics/Patient and public engagement

BC Cancer

Intan Schrader

Hereditary Cancer

BC Cancer

Sophie Sun

Clinical/Hereditary Cancer

BC Cancer

Stephen Yip


BC Cancer

Funding Organisations

BC Cancer Foundation

Vancouver, BC


Genome British Columbia

Vancouver, BC


Further Information

Program Website
