Dialog Box


European Peripheral T-cell Lymphoma Study

Lead Institution

University of Goettingen



Program Description

Peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCL) are a heterogeneous group of rare lymphoid malignancies. With current treatment options, the majority of patients do not achieve remission or experience relapse after completion of therapy, generally with dismal outcome. The underlying genetic and epigenetic alterations of PTCL and mechanisms of progression and relapse remain elusive and predictive biomarkers do not exist, precluding clinical progress. To overcome this issue, we founded the “EuroTCLym” consortium funded through the ERA-NET TRANSCAN-2 initiative.

In an initial effort, we will perform a comprehensive genetic and epigenetic characterization of clinically annotated primary samples from prospective clinical trials and national registries, accompanied by a detailed pathologic assessment. Whole exome sequencing, genome-wide DNA methylation profiling and targeted sequencing results will be correlated with clinical parameters, including progression and outcome, to identify clinically meaningful biomarkers and potential therapeutic targets. This project will provide a basis for further international efforts to elucidate the driving alterations in PTCL.

Program Goals and Expected Outcomes

Peripheral T-cell lymphomas are a rare and still poorly understood group of aggressive lymph node cancers with very poor prognosis. We here built a European group of experts in the field of T-cell lymphomas and brought together clinicians, pathologists, (epi)geneticists and bioinformaticians to comprehensively address the pathology, genetics and epigenetics of this disease. Building on a unique sample collection from prospective European trials and registries, we will identify clinically relevant biomarkers and pathogenic mechanisms. These data will be the basis for better clinical stratification and the development of novel therapeutic strategies.

What gaps in existing knowledge will be addressed by the study?

The genetic and epigenetic basis of peripheral T-cell lymphomas are still poorly understood. Furthermore, due to the rarity of these diseases, hardly any data exist on the clinical relevance of genetic and epigenetic alterations. Thus, ICGC ARGO provides the ideal network for genetic and epigenetic research and their clinical impact. Within ICGC ARGO, we will here capitalize on clinically annotated specimen from international prospective trials and national registries to unravel genetic and epigenetic alterations of clinical significance and pave the way towards innovative therapies.

Program Team

Lorenz Trümper, MD and Raphael Koch, MD

Lead Investigators

University Medical Center of Goettingen, Germany



Institution, location

Raphael Koch

Scientific Lead, Genetics

University of Goettingen, Department of Hematology & Oncology, Germany

Reiner Siebert


University of Ulm, Human Genetics, Germany

Markus Löffler

Statistics and informatics

Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology (IMISE), Leipzig, Germany

Olivier Tournilhac


Clermont-Ferrand University Hospital, Department of Hematology and Oncology, France

Philippe Gaulard


Henri Mondor Hospital & LYSA Pathology, Paris, France

Laurence de Leval


LYSA Pathology, Lausanne, Switzerland

Daphne de Jong

Pathology, Genetics

Amsterdam University Medical Center VUmc, Department of Pathology, Netherlands

Funding Organisations


Rome, Italy


Project Management Agency in the German Aerospace Centre (PT-DLR)

Bonn, Germany


Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Berlin, Germany


National Cancer Institute (INCa)



ARC French Foundation for Cancer Research (ARC Foundation)



Dutch Cancer Society (DCS)

The Netherlands


The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw)

The Hague, The Netherlands


Austrian Science Fund (FWF)

Vienna, Austria


Further Information

