Dr. Yoshino has had over 200 peer‐review scholar journal publications on metastatic CRC (mCRC), with several articles published in the Lancet Journals, Journal of Clinical Oncology, the New England Journal of Medicine and Nature Medicine. In addition, he holds several professional appointments, serving on a Guidelines Steering Committee member of the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO), a chair of Pan‐Asian adapted ESMO Guideline for CRC, an advisory committee member of American Society (ASCO) Breakthrough, Editorial Board of ESMO/ASCO Global Curriculum and the administrative board & a vice chair of international affairs committee of both Japanese Society of Medical Oncology (JSMO) and Japan Society of Clinical Oncology (JSCO). Dr. Yoshino is also a Co‐principal investigator of the SCRUM‐Japan GI‐/MONSTAR‐SCREEN, the Nationwide Cancer Genome Screening Project, a project program director of the CIRCULATE‐Japan, the President of 22nd Century Cutting‐Edge Medical Information Technology Organization (22CEMIT), and is a leader of the SCRUM‐Japan GI‐/MONSTAR‐ SCREEN (advanced solid tumor) project of ICGC‐ARGO.